Our Community
Our parish loves to celebrate with a meal (usually involving cake), and we find lots of opportunities to do that. Our goal from the start was to build a community welcoming to all—a place where anyone could come and receive the sacraments, regardless of age, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, socio-economic, or marital status. We believe that the invitation to communion comes from Christ himself, not us, and he desires that all would come to him. So whether it is the Eucharistic table during mass, or the table with fried chicken and cake afterwards, you are welcome.
Who We Are
The Parish Church of St. Jerome is an independent, inclusive, and egalitarian sacramental community rooted in the Old Catholic tradition. Simply put, we are a devoutly catholic and unapologetically inclusive church that joyfully shares all the church’s sacraments with all of God’s people!
We Are Devoutly Catholic
St. Jerome Parish is a devoted expression of Christ’s one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church! Our priests say the Mass in a reverent way and teach transubstantiation. We maintain the threefold order of Bishops, Priests, and Deacons. We observe all 7 Sacraments (Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation, Matrimony, Holy Orders, Confession, and Anointing of the Sick & Dying). We follow the liturgical year with its many feasts and fasts. We have a sincere devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and the great Communion of Saints. And we adhere dogmatically to the Deposit of Faith as articulated by the 7 Ecumenical Councils of the undivided Church!
We Are Unapologetically Inclusive
At. St. Jerome Parish, we share all of the church’s sacraments with all of God’s people! We celebrate same-sex unions, honor our trans and non- binary brothers, sisters, and kin as made in the Image of God, raise women up for ordination, and have an open table where all Christians are invited to share with us in Holy Communion. So, while we adhere to the Catholic Faith handed down to us from the Ecumenical era, we live that ancient faith in a modern, inclusive, and unapologetic way. We have always been an independent, inclusive, and egalitarian expression of Catholicism. For us, Catholic means everyone!
Frequently Asked Questions
Still have questions? Here are some answers from Father Joshua on the most frequently asked.
Neither! We are an independent, inclusive, and egalitarian sacramental community rooted in the Old Catholic tradition. We are in no way affiliated with the Roman Catholic Diocese of Tulsa or the Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma. We like it that way!
No. We use the third edition of the Roman Missal containing “The Mass” commonly used in Catholic churches across the United States. We are “Old Catholic” in that our spiritual ancestors came from the Old Catholic movement that emerged as a result of the innovations of Vatican I.
Old Catholics across Europe rejected the (first) Vatican Council’s teachings that the Pope could be infallible, that the Roman Catholic Church could create new dogmas apart from a truly Ecumenical Council, and that the Pope held universal jurisdiction and authority across the world. Old Catholics felt these innovations to be contrary to the conciliar nature of the Church, preferring the “old way” of being Catholic.
Yes! While we honor the Pope as the Bishop of Rome, one of the five patriarchs affirmed by the Ecumenical Councils, and the visible head of Christendom, we reject claims as to his universal jurisdiction and infallible authority. We do pray for the Pope at every Mass, however, and honor him as the spiritual father of Catholicism and the See of Peter! Nonetheless, the Pope is simply “the first among equals” in conciliar relationship with his other brother and sister bishops across time and space.
We are a devoted expression of Christ’s one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church! Our priests say the Mass in a reverent way and teach transubstantiation. We maintain the threefold order of Bishops, Priests, and Deacons. We observe all 7 Sacraments (Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation, Matrimony, Holy Orders, Confession, and Anointing of the Sick & Dying). We follow the liturgical year with its many feasts and fasts. We have a sincere devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and honor the great Communion of Saints. And we adhere dogmatically to the Deposit of Faith as articulated by the 7 Ecumenical Councils of the undivided Church!
Simply put, we share all of the church’s sacraments with all of God’s people! We celebrate same-sex unions, honor our trans and non-binary brothers, sisters, and kin as made in the Image of God, raise women up for ordination, and have an open table where all Christians are invited to share with us in Holy Communion. So while we adhere to the Catholic Faith handed down to us from the Ecumenical era, we live that ancient faith in a modern, inclusive, and unapologetic way! We have and will always be an independent, inclusive, and egalitarian expression of Catholicism. For us, Catholic means everyone!
Mass is held on Sunday mornings at 11am and Wednesday evenings at 6pm. Confession is on Sunday mornings at 10:30, Wednesday evenings at 5:30, and by appointment. We also have adult and children’s Sunday school on Sunday mornings at 10:00 and rosary in the chapel at 10:30. Finally, we have Eucharistic Adoration & Benediction on Fridays during Advent, and Adoration & Stations of the Cross on Fridays during Lent. Finally, other feast days occur at 7pm as announced. All are welcome. And when we say “all” we really mean it! Come grow with us.